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Arctic Alliance for People is a group of over 75 agencies and individuals who are dedicated to educate decision-makers and the community of changing trends in human service needs.

Arctic Alliance for People supports funding for Human Service programs to guarantee that all Alaskans have access to appropriate, affordable and quality services.

These are the Guiding Principles for Arctic Alliance for People.

Arctic Alliance for People meetings are the first Wednesday of the month. 

Membership is open to everyone.  Join now!

For more information about Arctic Alliance for People contact the AAP president.

Executive Committee Email Phone
President: Pete Pinney p.pinney(at) 452-1253
Vice President: Beth Grey beth.grey(at) 451-6993
Secretary: Shelly Mensch SMensch(at) 479-0900
Treasurer: Rachel Hanft rhanft(at)nwresource .org 479-7307
Legislative Chair: Doug Toelle dtoelle(at)accessalaska .org 479-7940


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Arctic Alliance for People members